

COMBO Traceopen in new window is a user-friendly blockchain tool that provides real-time and past blockchain snapshots. It is designed for both users and developers to access high-level data, including contracts, transaction rates, and more intricate insights, such as block contents, transaction hashes, and sending accounts. The tool acts as a transparent portal into the COMBO blockchain, enabling users to stay updated on the latest happenings on the network.

COMBO Trace provides a useful tool for users and developers to monitor the status of their transactions. Whenever a transaction is initiated, it generates a unique transaction hash that can be used to verify the transaction's details and determine its success. In this guide, we aim to assist users and developers in effectively utilizing block explorers to enhance their understanding of the technology.

  • Search bar - Search by wallet address, transaction hash, block number or contract address.
  • Browse blocks - Get all the details about a block included in COMBO network.
  • Transaction view - Fetch and analyze the list of transactions that occurs on-chain.
  • Smart contract verification - Verify smart contracts with COMBO Trace explorer.

To start, you can open up block explorer in your web browser and follow along using the guide.